lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

Welcome to my Blog =D

Hi, my name’s María. José García but everybody calls me Marijo. Im from Maracaibo originally. Im 19 years old and Im studying industrial engineering at URBE.
I love music, dancing, spending time with my family and friends, going to the movies, surfing on the net, watching tv, talking on the phone with my friends, chocolate, Mexican Italian and Chinese food, my city, my family, my friends, etc.
I hate smoking, getting up on weekends, injustice, lies, cleaning, washing and Chavez.
My dream is to be a very successful woman, have a very family, earn a lot of money, have my own business.
My opinion about English is very helpful language because you can communicate with people from others countries, you can find out the culture of other people.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Really nice blog Marijo